Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Motivational Posters Of Green Acres, Part VI

There's a new motivational poster on the ward at Green Acres since my last visit. Here it is:

The small-print caption reads: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
Well. This may be true, or if not true then at least a useful falsehood, for the majority of the population. But I am not sure who thought it was a good idea to frame this poster and put it up on a unit that is often chock-full of very ill individuals with bizarre and grandiose delusions. I can tell you with certainty that many, many of the ideas conceived and believed here at Green Acres absolutely CANNOT be achieved, and furthermore SHOULD not be achieved even if they could be. I spend a lot of my time here trying to convince people that they really shouldn't follow through with their plans of trying to become the first King of the United States, or take over the world's oil markets, or build the first amphibious spaceship in order to impress the ex-wife and win her back. It really wouldn't help if they all start telling me that the posters are urging them to pursue their ideas, no matter what. Luckily, though, I seem to be the only person in the building who reads, or even notices, the motivational posters.


Blogger fibby said...

Perhaps you should order up this...

or this...

or this...

and begin a poster replacement campaign.

5/27/08, 9:42 PM  
Blogger The Girl said...

I love your stories. :)

5/28/08, 8:15 AM  
Blogger isothermal said...

how about the fact that you have a guy dangling off a cliff in a building full of crazy people? doesn't that seem like a bad choice of art?

5/28/08, 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with the last poster- it's not a great choice. I didn't notice the title the first time.

I found it very disturbing, perhaps too close to where I am.

Everything is beautiful and sunny all around with mountains that are just a ton of work to get over, and suddenly dangling by a finger having slid off the edge of a cliff and wouldn't it be nice to let go.

Surely peace would follow.

but, yeah, I see that's not the intended message.

6/6/08, 10:38 PM  

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